Vampirska / Glemt

Band: Vampirska / Glemt
Album: By Sanguinarian Will​.​.​.
Release date: 18 January 2021
Country: United States / United Kingdom
Genre: Black Metal
Lyrical themes: Vampirism / Suicide, Misanthropy, Occultism, Death, Sorrow
Label: Independent
Type: Split

1. A Curse Bearing the Nocturnal Plague I 06:45
2. A Curse Bearing the Nocturnal Plague II 07:37
3. A Curse Bearing the Nocturnal Plague III 08:59

4. Chambers of Burning Malice 03:36
5. Convulsing Phantasms of Mine Lacerations 04:41
6. Bastille Visions of What Is to Come 06:53
7. Forever Wandering Through Jacobean Hallways 01:53
8. The Moon Weeps Blood and Bestows the Truth I Seek 06:35
9. Belas Knap in the Lust of Night 03:31

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