
Band: Fagÿhold
Album: Snow and Moonlight Cover the Track of Our Horde on the Steppe
Release date: 2 June 2024
Country: Hungary, Pest, Gödöllő
Genre: Symphonic Black Metal
Lyrical themes:
Label: Independent
Type: Full-lenght

1. Snow and Moonlight Cover the Track of Our Horde on the Steppe 01:48
2. A New Year of Honour 03:52
3. Misanthropic Warcry 03:33
4. Ancient Supreme Pride 05:01
5. Echoes of the Glorious Past 00:41
6. Attila's Sword 04:06
7. Talvinen Veri / Téli Vér 04:40

Adam Berces - All Instruments, Vocals

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