
Band: Faustus
Album: Ode to the Rites of Worship
Release date: 1 July 2024
Country: Sweden, Dalarna, Falun
Genre: Black Metal
Lyrical themes: Hatred, Depression, Negativity, Existentialism
Label: Independent
Type: Full-lenght

1. Prolog - Ætt Ingwaz 01:48
2. Manifesterad Urtid och Rituell Hetta 05:02
3. Hymn to Divine Fire 04:16
4. The Chapter of Building Monuments 04:50
5. Spell to Open Portals and to Seal Mounds 04:12
6. Norrönt Mörker 04:28
7. At the Entrance of Winter 05:40
8. Burning Flesh and Ritual Death 05:14
9. Epilog - Ongan Tyz 01:53

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