Winter Eternal

Band: Winter Eternal
Album: Echoes of Primordial Gnosis
Release date: 28 June 2024
Country: Greece, Attica, Athens
Genre: Black Metal
Lyrical themes: Darkness, Pain, Sorrow
Label: Hells Headbangers Records
Type: Full-lenght

1. Echoes of Primordial Gnosis 04:05
2. Two Heavens as One 05:13
3. Battle Cry 04:56
4. The Serpent's Curse 04:53
5. Voices 02:09
6. Bending the Fabric of Reality 03:16
7. Sacrifice for Glory 04:46
8. The Keeper of Sorrows 03:41

Soulreaper - Vocals, Guitars, Bass
V. Nuctemeron - Drums
Hildr Valkyrie - Vocals
Matthew Dakoutros - Violin, Cello

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