
Band: Necroxifer
Album: Acheron
Release date: 16 August 2023
Country: Chile, Maule, Talca
Genre: Black Metal
Lyrical themes: Qayinism, Death, Necromancy, Anti-Cosmic Satanism, Chaos, Satanic Terrorism
Label: Independent
Type: Full-lenght

1. Solstice 01:15
2. Rex Coronatus 04:07
3. Regressive Light 05:04
4. The Queen of the Night 01:42
5. Acheron 05:04
6. Serpentis XI 03:40
7. Realm of Nothingness 03:21
8. The Sacred Feast 01:04
9. Veni Moloch 04:15
10. Starless 02:03

Alak Drakon - All Instruments, Vocals

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