
Band: Kyy
Album: Apotheosis: The Light of All Lights
Release date: 25 August 2023
Country: Finland, Päijät-Häme, Lahti
Genre: Black Metal
Lyrical themes: Satanism
Label: Drakkar Productions
Type: Full-lenght

1. Initiation into the Sinister Mysteries 05:49
2. Satan Incarnate 03:54
3. Festering Wounds 06:23
4. The Passion of Gestas 06:07
5. Sorathian Pathways 03:36
6. Drakon Pankreator 04:26
7. Sadomasochistic Euphoria 05:57
8. Betray (The Kiss of Judas & The Hand of Longinus) 06:16

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