
Band: Erroiak
Album: Apokalipsia
Release date: 1 April 2023
Country: France, Île-de-France, Evry-les-Châteaux
Genre: Black Metal
Lyrical themes:
Label: Independent
Type: Full-lenght

1. Egunsentia 02:04
2. Monarque 05:09
3. The Dark Passenger 04:24
4. La Nuit Moins Noire que l’Homme 06:35
5. Ekaitzaren Aurreko Lasaitasuna 03:58
6. Apocalypse 06:16
7. Après la Nuit 07:05
8. Renaissance d’Hiver 06:47
9. Amaiera 01:07

Erroiak - All Instruments, Vocals

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