
Band: Mordgrim
Album: Flesh and the Devil
Release date: 7 September 2007
Country: Sweden, Skåne, Landskron / Östergötland, Norrköping
Genre: Black Metal
Lyrical themes: Anti-Christian, Death, Chaos, Darkness
Label: Funeral Moonlight Productions
Type: Full-lenght

1. Intro 2:07
2. Flesh and the Devil 3:35
3. Beacons of Disease 4:14
4. The Man Who Made a Monster 3:27
5. The Gift of Torture 4:25
6. Scrape the Bowels 3:45
7. Spiritual Cleansing 4:19
8. Beaten, Bled and Bruised 3:27
9. Silence the Breathing 4:32

Grimner - Vocals, Bass
Gwahlar - Drums, Bass

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