
Band: Crystalmoors
Album: Dominion of the Ancient Seal
Release date: 2001
Country: Spain, Cantabria, Santander
Genre: Pagan Black Metal
Lyrical themes: Heathen, North Iberian and Celtic Mythology
Label: Nigra Mors
Type: Demo

1. By the Anvil of Gods 05:48
2. Crown of Wolves 04:03
3. A Mountainsґ Wanderer 03:14
4. Daemonґs Passage 04:08
5. Beholders 00:56
6. Thy Gift of Ravens Pt II: Shadows over the Battlefield 04:20
7. The Empire of the Astral Goddess 05:34
8. Silent Rest 00:56
9. In Pulvere Tempii Sepultum 04:53

Erun-Dagoth - Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, Programming, Whistles, Mouth Harp

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