Keep of Kalessin

Band: Keep of Kalessin
Album: Through Times of War
Release date: 1997
Country: Norway, Trøndelag, Trondheim
Genre: Black Metal
Lyrical themes: War, Darkness, Dragons, Evil, Anti-Christianity, Earthsea
Label: Avantgarde Music
Type: Full-lenght

1. Through Times of War 04:31
2. Den Siste Krig 04:43
3. As a Shadow Cast 06:09
4. I Choose to Suffer 06:50
5. Skygger av Sorg 05:22
6. Obliterator 05:42
7. Nectarous Red / Itch 14:19

Ghash - Vocals
Obsidian C. - Guitars, Synth
Warach - Bass
Vyl - Drums

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