Fallen Gabriel

Band: Fallen Gabriel
Album: From the Heavens I Fell
Release date: 16 December 2022
Country: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
Genre: Black Metal
Lyrical themes: Darkness, Philosophy, Original Storytelling
Label: Independent
Type: Full-lenght

1 .Once upon a Time, the End 03:44
2. Voracious Tree 03:13
3. I Will Pray and Sacrifice Ten More 05:13
4. Wake Up My Shadow 03:11
5. Venom Vein 03:21
6. Whisper of Shadows 04:11
7. Solitude Is Not Loneliness 06:17
8. Fallen Soul (Blind Ghost) 03:13
9. The Malevolence of Life 04:02
10. The Benevolence of Death - Rebirth 03:07
11. I Have No Fear of Spirits 04:54
12. Vanished and Immortal 04:01
13. The Blood of Nature 07:13
14. Beyond the Trees Across the Mountains 05:16
15. From the Heavens I Fell 07:11

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