
Band: Hatul
Album: Widergeist
Release date: 12 October 2013
Country: Germany, Saxony, Chemnitz
Lyrical themes: War, Humanity, Nature
Label: Independent
Type: Full-lenght

1. Die Braut des Untergangs 03:29
2. Vom Sturm getrieben 05:24
3. Day of the Black Sun 05:51
4. Spirit of Rebellion 04:45
5. Widergeist 03:38
6. Die Welt soll brennen 05:38
7. Feld der Ehre 04:35
8. Reinkarnation 08:06

Hekjal - Vocals
Henker - Guitars
Surtuus - Guitars
Virginraper - Bass
Bealdor - Drums

128 kbps

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