
Band: Morcolac
Album: Vrykolakas
Release date: 16 June 2022
Country: Italy, Lombardy, Pavia
Genre: Black Metal
Lyrical themes: Vampirism
Label: Darker than Black Records
Type: Full-lenght

1. Entering the Sanguinarian Gates 03:13
2. Here Comes the Lord Impaler 05:08
3. A Wolven Heritage 05:30
4. Draculean Misty Candlelight 06:38
5. Vrykolakas 05:31
6. Of the Hunter and Dark Cloud 05:50
7. A Bite Sculpted on the Woodtrees 06:46
8. Farewell to Our Fallen Voivode 08:35

Sadomaster - Vocals, Guitars, Bass
Bestia - Drums
A.B. - Keyboards

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