
Band: Wolfnacht
Album: Zeit der Cherusker
Release date: 3 September 2008
Country: Greece, Ionian Islands, Corfu
Lyrical themes: National Socialism, Heathenism, Antisemitism
Label: Christhunt Productions
Type: Full-lenght

1. Krig (Berzerkerwut) 03:32
2. Opfertod 05:02
3. Das Lied des Wuotanskultes 03:41 
4. Battles in the Teutoburger Forest (Victory of the Germanic Tribes) 05:48
5. Sal und Sig 06:41
6. Zeit der Cherusker 06:40
7. Der Weg nach Walhall 02:55

Athalwolf - All Instruments, Vocals

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