
Band: Cyhiriaeth
Album: Lands of the Ancient Cult
Release date: October 2006
Country: Spain, Community of Madrid, Torrelodones
Lyrical themes: Iberian Paganism, Heathenism
Label: Blood Fire Death Productions
Type: Full-lenght

1. Intro 01:43
2. In the Eternal Night 05:12
3. Dark Pagan Howls 07:05
4. Heathen Iberia 06:26
5. Werewolves of Lug 07:42
6. In the Darkness of Nemeton 05:34
7. Interlude 00:51 
8. Enobolicus 06:01
9. The Track Back to the Ancient Ones 05:37
10. The Arrival of Gods Death 05:32

Reiks Ares - Vocals
Antubel - Guitars
Hermod - Guitars
VaƩlico - Bass
Jarleth - Drums, Vocals
Nehalennia - Bagpipes, Flute


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