
Band: Xalpen
Album: Sawken Xo'on
Release date: 13 September 2020
Country: Chile, Santiago
Lyrical themes: Satanism, Ancestors Black Magic, Leviathanic Energy, Spiritual Chaos
Label: Morbid Skull Records
Type: Full-lenght

1. Devourer of Light (Ya'alwe Kar-T'en) 04:47
2. 1340 05:34
3. Dark Nights of Winter (On Stekenjhio' Joshckek) 05:53
4. Han K'win Saik (For Those Who Have Departed) 06:23
5. Among the Pillars of Death (Han on Outeken Chesk) 08:56
6. Tres Chamanes (Sawken Xo'on) 05:15
7. The Formidable Fumes of Hell-Fire (On Tohown Tahner on K'ar Xawqekyen) 09:24


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