
Band: Blackhorned
Album: Arrival of the Firedemon
Release date: 2004
Country: Denmark, Syddanmark, Svendborg
Lyrical themes: Occultism, Horror, Darkness, Death
Label: Grindcore Productions
Type: Full-lenght

1. Misanthropic Hate 04:31
2. The Arrival of the Fire Demon 03:58
3. The Dark Path of Shadows 02:40
4. Crushing the Skull of Christ 03:47
5. Goatwar Ritual 03:15
6. Baphomet's Sigil 04:47
7. Black Metal Hell 04:00
8. Church Desecration 04:29
9. Foaming Fury of the Beast 02:50
10. Fighting in Hell 06:17

Atziluth - All Instruments of Torture and Voices from Hell


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