
Band: Azazel
Album: Aegrum Satanas Tecum
Release date: 24 September 2021
Country: Finland, Pirkanmaa, Mänttä
Lyrical themes: Satanism, Anti-Christianity, Witchcraft, Blasphemy
Label: Primitive Reaction
Type: Full-lenght

1. Invocation (Hail the Ancient Ones) 01:16
2. Jesus Christ Impotent Rotting Saviour 06:03
3. Welcome to Church Bizarre 06:11 
4. I Worship Him 05:19
5. Demons Attack the Nun's Chapel (Aegrum Satanas Tecum) 04:54
6. Incubus Rises Again 03:33
7. Succubus, My Infernal Vampire Spirit 03:28 
8. In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas 04:19

Lord Satanachia - Vocals
Mavrofos - Guitars
Raakalainen - Guitars
Lucifuge Rofocale - Bass
Idimmu - Drums


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