Thy Grief

Band: Thy Grief
Album: The Frozen Tomb of Mankind
Release date: 1997
Country: Norway, Vestland, Bergen
Lyrical themes: Snowstorms, Frozen Landscapes, Nature and Coldness
Label: Solistitium Records
Type: Full-lenght

1. The Frozen Tomb of Mankind 06:10
2. Blod på Himmelen 04:42
3. Into the Land of Shadows 05:39
4. Twilight Shine upon Majestic Mountains 05:34
5. Da Mørket Omfavnet Meg 04:11
6. Nocturnal Eyes 04:51
7. In Spite of Victory 04:36
8. Echoes from a Past Forgotten 07:59
9. Sorgens Klør 04:35

Kjetil Monsen - Vocals, Guitar
Kim Anders H. Johannessen - Guitar
Christer Korsvold - Bass, Synth
Frode Gaustad - Drums


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