
Band: Kult
Album: The Eternal Darkness I Adore
Release date: 14 September 2018
Country: Italy, Lombardy, Como
Lyrical themes: Nihilism, Satanism, Anti-christianity, Winter
Label: Folter Records
Type: Full-lenght

1. Intro 02:05
2. The Eternal Darkness I Adore 05:43
3. Pandemonium 04:40 
4. Black Drapes 04:55 
5. Reaping the Flock 05:35 
6. Canticle of Thorns 04:54
7. Hopestrangler 04:31 
8. Gruesome Portrait  04:37
9. Devourer of the Night 07:15

Tumulash - Vocals
Kacele - Guitars
D. White - Bass
Thorns - Drums

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