Band: Acherontas
Album: Amenti - Ψαλμοί αίματος και αστρικά οράματα
Release date: 17 May 2013
Country: Greece, Attica, Athens
Lyrical themes: Occultism, Spirituality, Mysticism, Magick, Feelings
Label: World Terror Committee
Type: Full-lenght
1. Voluntas Supra Materiam "Vocatio Prima" 02:16
2. Amenti - The Lamp ov the Desert 08:13
3. The Stele ov the Last Conjuration - Ιερος γαμος 07:55
4. Nebt-Het - Divulgence of Ηer Sacral Temples 07:42
5. Set Triumphant - Nubti 08:54
6. Dissolution (In the Sands ov Time) - Νεκροπολις 08:19
7. Wines of Blood & Pestilence 07:09
8. Erset La Tari - The Red Temple 08:55
9. Πανσεληνος "Vocatio Ultima" 02:58
Acherontas V. Priest - Six Strings, Chants & Spells Drakkonian Sorcery
V.A. Kadmos-Tiphareth - Hermetic Philosophy
Saevus H. - Six Bladed Scythe of Thantifaxath
Scorpios Androctonus - Summerian Echoes, Mantras & 4 Strings of Infernal Devastation
Thorns - Ἔρεβος Pulses
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