Band: Ravensblood
Album: From the Tumulus Depths
Release date: 28 July 2004
Country: France, Grand Est, Metz
Lyrical themes: Paganism, War
Label: Christhunt Productions
Type: Full-lenght
1. Ginnungagap - Between Fire & Frost 02:07
2. Storms of Ages 05:34
3. Funeral upon the Baltic Sea 03:09
4. Runatal - Odins Runenlied 03:26
5. Echoes from the Past 01:54
6. Rabenblut 04:26
7. Heidnischer Hexen Sabbat 04:36
8. The Way to Victory... 01:30
9. Bloodshed 03:44
10. Mon dernier combat 03:51
11. From the Tumulus Depths 05:01
S. C. - All Instruments
Wolfnacht - All Vocals
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