Ars Goetia

Band: Ars Goetia
Album: Servants of Void
Release date: 28 February 2013
Country: Italy, Veneto, Padua
Lyrical themes: Occultism, Anti-Christianity, Hate
Label: Baphomet in Steel
Type: Full-lenght

1. Servants of Void 05:30 
2. The Witch of Endor 04:22
3. On the Throne of Sulphur 04:34 
4. Diadems of Blasphemies 04:59 
5. Unending Dance 04:56 
6. Virgin Prostitute 04:59 
7. Crusted Blood 04:06
8. Blind with Thousand Eyes 05:46 
9. Absinthius 02:31
10. The Key of Joy 06:26

Helnath - Vocals
Vindvalr - Guitars
Ares - Bass
Dron - Drums

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