
Band: Gottlos
Album: Infernal Pandemonio
Release date: 1 June 2004
Country: Greece, Athens, Attica
Lyrical themes: Darkness
Label: Eclipse Productions
Type: Full-lenght

1. Glorious Conquest 01:08 
2. Mystis 06:07 
3. A Nocturnal Monologue 07:37 
4. Kytheria (Astral in the Midnight) 04:20 
5. The Witches of Symposium 05:58 
6. Wrath of Katachthonium 06:14 
7. Mesiášův Konec 05:27 

Skylephtis - Saw, Hellsaw, Hatehammers
Barbarud Hrom - Pandemonical Roarrr