
Band: Permafrost
Album: Pervers & Geisteskrank
Release date: 24 February 2006
Country: Germany, Saxony-Anhalt
Lyrical themes: Satanism, Death, Blasphemy, Apocalypse
Label: Christhunt Productions
Type: Full-lenght

1. Intro 03:06  
2. Ein zarter Körper 05:06   
3. The Throne of Satan 03:59  
4. Das Nichts 06:14 
5. Depression 05:17  
6. Mord & Totschlag 09:07  
7. Antinomie 02:45  
8. Kraft durch Krieg 04:00  
9. Tod Geboren 01:23 
10. C.O.A. (Absurd cover) 01:32 