
Band: Beastcraft
Album: Into the Burning Pit of Hell
Release date: 6 June 2005
Country: Norway, Hønefoss
Lyrical themes: Satanism, Death
Label: Desastrious Records
Type: Full-lenght

1. Intro 00:15
2. Enter the Chasm 03:01
3. Burnt at His Altar 04:07
4. Recrucifixion 02:52
5. Black Witchcraft 02:45
6. Satanic Supremacy 02:38
7. Unholy Blood Ritual 03:11
8. Summoning the Great Beast 03:22
9. Energumen 03:06
10. Pentagram Sacrifice 03:04
11. Into the Burning Pit of Hell 01:51
12. When the Pearly Gates Are Wrapped in Flames 01:31

Alastor - Guitars, Bass
Sorath - Vocals, Drums