Ad Hominem

Band: Ad Hominem
Album: A New Race for a New World
Release date: 2003
Country: France, Southern France
Lyrical themes: Anti-Monotheism / ZOG, Cult of the Self, Genocide, Death, Hatred
Label: Undercover Records
Type: Full-lenght

1. Closing Ranks 01:19
2. Nuclear Black Metal Kampf 03:50
3. Ad Hominem 04:22
4. Ritual of the Depraved 04:19
5. Arbeit macht tot 05:02
6. The Dithyramb of Sadism 02:35
7. Slaughter the Pope 04:56
8. Will to Power 04:57
9. On Your Ruins We March 01:10

Kaiser Wodhanaz - Vocals, Bass, Guitars
Pwcca - Drums